Classes are not just ways for us to learn, but they have a great potential to help us love and serve others with what God has already taught us. Jesus told us to go make disciples, teaching them to obey everything I commanded you. Therefore, as disciples we need to see ourselves as students who are learning God's Word and how to obey what Jesus has showed us. And as disciple makers, we need to see ourselves as teachers who are willing to share God's Word and show how His truth works out in our lives. Discipleship and Bible classes at North Ridge teach the Word of God and help people grow up into healhty, fruitful lives of friendship with Jesus. 



- NEW -


Facilitators: Lara Line | Sundays at 9am | FLC - F4

When Jesus came claiming to be the promised Messiah, the Jewish people were expecting a powerful warrior-king who would throw off their oppressors.  Instead, he served the needs of the weak and suffered injury from the strong.  Mark’s gospel shows us how Jesus upsets our expectations in order to give us something better than we could imagine. Join us for a study of the book of Mark!



Romans (Ladies Class)

Facilitators: Susan Larsen | Sundays at 9am | FLC - Adult Ministries Room

When Paul penned his letter to the house churches of Rome, his purpose was to gain prayerful support for his upcoming mission to the western Mediterranean.  Little did he know the powerful effect of his words down through the ages.  Join us as we look deeply into what Paul wrote and ponder the power of the gospel and what it means in our every day lives.  Just bring your Bible (paper and pen would be good too!) and a heart that wants to hear what Paul has to teach us.



Vertical Marriage

Facilitators: Drummonds | Sundays at 9am | FLC - Gym

Connect deeper with God and each other with FamilyLife’s convicting, laugh-out-loud Vertical Marriage from FamilyLifeToday® hosts Dave and Ann Wilson. You will find thoughtful personal surveys to evaluate your own needs and actionable “Vertical Moments” for deeper spiritual intimacy. Workbooks: $20 per couple


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