The choir is back! Join us for this year's Christmas Choir Program Sunday, Dec. 10th at 6:00PM in the Sanctuary. Immediately following, we will have our our annual Christmas Fellowship Bake Off in the Family Life Center! What a fun time we had last year at our first Christmas Bake-Off. We can't wait to do it again! Like last year, all those wanting to participate will bring a dessert to be judged. The winner of each category will receive a prize! Along with the bake-off, we will also be having our Kids Gingerbread House Competition.
Bring all food on a platter (with a serving utencil), ready to serve, to the kitchen BEFORE the Choir Program begins - at 5:30pm. SIGN UP BELOW...
5:30pm - Bake-Off Entry & Gingerbread House Dropoff/Registration
6:00pm - Choir Program
7:15pm - Bake-Off & Kid's Gingerbread House Competition